My finished unit of plague monks, 21 in total, an extra in case I want to throw in a plague censer bearer.
May I present warp squealer Festerlice, 15th level wizard and unit champion. After reading the rulebook I learned unit leaders MUST be placed in the centre of the front rank, for years I've been doing it wrong and placing the standard bearer there.
I also finally managed to finish;
And from the rear
It was fun to scratchbuild the base from 2x 20mm slotta bases and a strip of 2mm plasticard, I'm happy with the results, the verdigris could've been better but for a first try it's not too bad. It was also a pain getting the hoses to connect. I suppose I could've just thrown them on a cavalry base but after reading the armies book and learning they can join units in the same fashion as characters I had to make em fit on the 20x40, and it's well worth it as they are devastating when they score direct hits.That's it for now, back to work for a stretch, on the horizon though are
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