Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Clan Scourge 2014 Review

Hey everyone, it came down to the wire but I just couldn't manage to finish the last 19 giant rats and 9 slaves. Here's the army as a whole, almost. Couldn't fit them all in one shot!
I did manage to get my hounds done though
The bases leave a lot to be desired but it will get there. 
The failed units;
Once they're done I'll be at 1709 Points in Regiments 
I've only painted up three characters
Once I paint up everything I own I'll be up to 2,369 points in Regiments so with characters I'll be close to 3,500pts which is enough for me.
In 2014 I've painted 121 figures which really outshines my measly 61 in 2013.
I'd like to thank all you who have stopped by especially those who take the time to comment. 


  1. Hi!

    Thats an amazing looking army! Its really conveying the grubby subterranean Skaven at their ratty best.

    All the best!

    1. Thanks hopefully I'll have some terrain to follow at some point

  2. Excellent effort, they look great and you should be proud to show these off. I really like the spike in the center of the blue shields, great idea to cover up that hole!

    1. Actually only the general got the spike, the rest just got a nail bead my wife didn't care for. Lucky me !

  3. Absolutely cracking stuff. As SCS says, these look exactly like Skaven should. Fantastic painting. My personal fave are the hounds - great colours :-) Have a top New Year.

    1. Thanks the hounds were a bit of a nice change to tell you the truth, their colour schem is much creamier in the flesh and the highlights are a bit softer. I had together a box though, they are too good in game

  4. Excellent looking Skaven army, really impressive. The hounds are a great idea, and I like the way you have positioned the Giant Rats on the bases as it look like a scuttling pack of rats with a sense of movement to them.

    1. Cheers Gobbo I'm glad someone noticed. It'll be much more pronounced when the basing is done. It took more than a few dry runs and I had to keep yelling at myself DONT BE LAZY THEY CANT ALL BE BROWN! Which the multiple cours really eats into hobby time.

  5. Great work Dude, a Skaven Horde is a work of love and this shows real passion. Can't wait to see the rest finished off too!!!!!

  6. Yessir it's been a long road but I'm resolute for the future. Once I've finished off the giant rats and slaves I've only got 48 figs to go! Well. Plus some characters. Oh and the great horned daemon, then the new verminlord box set, and I've always liked those ratling guns oh and a classic screaming bell! It will never end! This is why they say only chaos is eternal

    1. Agreed, I still have bits to add to my horde even now!

  7. Gorgeous work dude! Really impressed that you've managed to paint the mass of fur and fangs to such a consistently high standard. great collection too, the old school skaven are some of my faves.

    1. Hey thanks it hasn't always been easy but it's always harder to start once you've stopped so I think it's best to just keep plugging away, the end is in sight!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Sully,
      It will be awhile before they hit the table though.
