Saturday, 4 April 2015

Black Skaven Part 3

Hey guys, 
I've been going through some serious painter's block, I can't seem to sit down and lay on the paint. 
Well, foolishly I forced myself to paint, which rendered sub standard results. If I have any advice to a painter it is this: When it begins to feel like work, stop.
To be fair he does look a tad better in person
The beige is particularly shitty, which is too bad, I quite liked the first batch of 5:
To be fair, once their bases are done they will look a lot better, and split up into a unit who will notice, right? RIGHT?!
So just a quick update for today, I'm trying desperately to get them finished but not before a bit of a break. 
April 18th is my next game against Crapfang's Backwoods Bandits and I can't wait!


  1. painters block sucks man, still at least you managed to paint something, even if you don't quite like the end results.

    Though to be fair, so what if the beige didn't quite come out uniform....

    Skaven aren't supposed to look uniform, they are scavenging rats after all LOL

    1. Thanks DR
      I wanted my black skaven (+1 shock elite) to appear uniform. I always write a background for my armies and for me, the black skaven are the professional warrior elite reserved as bodyguard for only the most respected leaders.
      My general is Xerxes, and do his bodyguards are known as his immortals, they wear red so thst when wounded, their blood will not show.

  2. It looks fine. Stop freaking out.

    1. Nae Sir,
      "Good enough" is not good enough for +1 shock elites. Shame.

  3. I agree, they look great and a slight variation (minor as it is) is fine, not like it's a completely different colour is it?

  4. Collaborator! You most of all should know the ultimate value of the skaven shock elite, they are to be lavished with care not merely slathered with paint as a lowly Clanrat or Levy would be, my Stormvermin (such that I have) shall be as beautiful as they are destructive; all who witness them will lament and languish with despair.

    Or something like that. I hate these models but they've got to get done.

    1. The last part is closer to the truth, a Warlord may think his Stormvermin are powerful but at the end of the day he also knows they're actually expensive cannon fodder that we tend to include because they're the best troops we have, but that's not saying much, from afar they die just as easily as Clanrats.............

  5. I think your statement about stopping when it feels like work is right on the nose. I think people like you and I paint so much we forget that it actually consists of very hard work.
    For my part, it's not that it begin to feel like work, but that sometimes I just don't have the energy for it.
    In any case, I agree with some of the others that these guys actually look good, especially in a group. Perhaps the real problem is that these minis are not the best sculptures that Citadel ever produced for Skaven...

  6. Thanks Sully
    As usual you are the calm collected voice of reason. I must admit they are not the best sculpts, I've tried to do them justice as there is a great deal of detail in m any of them, my latest batch turned out quite well I think, I be posting later today. Cheers.

  7. They look fine! Don;t worry. But if you really want to get pumped back up for painting, plan on coming to the states in August. The 2nd Oldhammer In The New World is going on, and it is a bit closer to you this time! Its in Allentown, PA. It might make painting them up a breeze!

    1. I was checking out the oldhammer in the new world wrecked when I saw the miniature cast up for the event.
      I thought he would look dam fine painted up for my Goliath gang in necromunda.
      The event this year looks to be off to a promising start, maybe I can cross over for a few days....
