Sunday, 31 January 2016

And then there were 10

2nd Scorpion Squad finished, the boring stuff is done, onto personalities and Dragon Squads!
The future will hold a vyper squad upgrade, it's just too good to pass up. 
Sorry nothing too exciting, just the meat and potatoes that go into any army.
Until next time! 


  1. Haha, but these meat and potatoes count with the recipe of success! Lovely work :)

    1. Thank you Suber, I still have 10 more to grind through and I can then turn my attention towards war walkers (yes 2!) D-Cannon, and some dreadnoughts, oh the lovely Eldar dreadnoughts!

  2. Very cool stuff!


  3. Replies
    1. Thanks the other accoutrement will only enhance their flavour.

  4. Great job mate, you sometimes have to go throughf the rank and file when doing an army but I have to say they look really great indivudually and even better en masse. Liking this colour scheme a lot.

    1. Merci Monsieur Asslessman,
      The colour scheme is growing, along the way I have learned how I will paint my Fremen should I ever get round to that project. Time will tell.
      En masse their effect is quite bold if I do say so myself, of course I can see only the mistakes but if high calibre painters such as yourself enjoy them then I say Jusqu'à la victoire!
      I can't wait to hear you thought on dreadnoughts and war walker soon!

  5. Definitely the best potatoes I've seen in a while! Nice work man, definitely looking forward to the personalities and such.

  6. Lol this potato joke is getting out of hand, the personalities may not excite anyone they will have a bit of "character" here and there but my goal was a uniform force.
    My wild cards will be dreadnoughts war walkers and a single death dealing, soul stealing, "there's no way those rules are fair" ghost warrior, all in good time.
    In fact I'd better get back to it!

    1. For rank-and-file troops, Eldar have the best sculpts, hands down. I really like the gritty flavour that you've given them -- but not too gritty: the yellow helms keep them looking sharp. Can't wait to see the wild cards. How is the painting going?

    2. The painting is shit! Goddamn space elves! I've been working on the same 5 figures for over 30 days, I've no impetus to paint and I have a HUGE order incoming from Knight models!
      Actually it's not so bad, the colour scheme has grown on me a bit :/

    3. I hope your drive to paint comes back soon. Mine certainly fluctuates too. It can be especially intimidating when you are just starting a big project, like what you're doing with the Eldar.

    4. It's only going to get worse, I have a fairly large order coming in.... I may actually do a look what I got post although I find them in very very poor taste.
