Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Ashtray Turns 2

This little skaven blog of mine is now two years old, it makes me happy to have picked up so many followers, especially my regular commenters, so thank you.
it makes me a bit sad that in two years I've still not finished my dream 3k Skaven army but I'm damn close, at the latest by May I should have them finished which I guess is not so bad considering. 
But what makes today special? Shall I unveil my greater daemnon of the horned rat? A screaming bell just like Mr. Chambers prototype? A pack of 100 Clanrats. 
Here's a work in progress of my gutter runners, after all Skaven armies are built on the little guys, not the centrepiece units other armies need to win.
These are beyond a doubt the WORST Skaven sculpts I've ever laid hands on, absolutely terrible. Shit, quite frankly. But, they are an invaluable asset to Clan Scourge thus I shall persevere in their completion.
That's it really, happy birthday to the ashtray, to conclude I leave a photo montage of the years gone by for those who are new to my blog/those who give a shit and special thanks at the finally.
My original bag of skaven
My first "army" shot
My inspiration, I think he's high. 
My latest army shot
My last game, a bitter defeat. Not really bitter moreso milk choclatey. 
In conclusion I want to thank Andy Chambers for showing what a Skaven army can be, Nico from realms of chaos for his banner tutorials/inspiration, Blue in VT for teaching how basing should be done and for showing me how, Snikkit for nearly ALWAYS commenting and giving some guidance, Mr Mouse for commenting regularly, Gaj for starting Warhammer for Adults which got me into this in the first place, and lastly to Sir Sully of oldhammer in toronto for being himself the avatar of what an oldhammer opponent should be.
If I have not included you it was not deliberate or meant to slight you in any way. Thanks for stopping by.
Long live Clan Scourge! 


  1. Happy Birthday, Infrequent Ramblings!
    I love the montage (cue the song from Team America). The only thing missing from it is a picture from your great Skaven victory on the occasion of our first meeting - that was not just a great win, but a triumph of Skaveny tactics: a combined arms doctrine of interlocking jezzails, warpfire throwers and plague censors. Not even Pete Taylor could have done better!

    1. That was indeed a proud moment, the drunk giant was most def. The Skaven army's MVP, but it was a fantastic fun game; the first of many.

  2. Hi!

    Congratulations on the blog birthday!

    Its been fantastic to see such a great army grow and grow over the last couple of years and I am totally jealous that you've managed to paint that much stuff to such a cracking standard!

    Can't wait to see what the next year of painting brings!

    All the best!

    1. Cheers, there have been some long hiatus periods where real life throws a spanner in the works but I plan to post more regularly and grind through the rest of my rats.

  3. Congratulations Dude and keep the rattines going.

    Question, when you reach the 3000pt mark does that mean the blog stops?

    I certainly hope not!

    1. The last time I checked I believe my total points count is in the ballpark of 3,400 which would give me a good selection instead of just the same army over and over.
      I would also like to get my mitts on some bound creatures; manticore, hydra and a cocatrice would make my day.

  4. Happy B-day ! Here's to more of it ;)

  5. Great stuff; keep it up!


  6. Happy Blog-birthday. Here's to many more years worth of ramblings. Question though, what happens when you complete your 3000pts?

    1. There will always be another project, I've got 1500pts of rogue trader eldar pirates, all 4 dread patterns, jetbikes etc, I've got about 1000 points of alpha legion chaos space marines circa 1996 with the moulded hydra head shoulder pads, forge world dread, rogue trader rhino.
      For fantasy I can hobble together about 3,000pts of chaos in the form of beastmen, chariots, animal handlers and centaurs or I can go high elves. This blog isn't going to die anytime soon!
      Best of luck with your blog as well, fantastic stuff really.

  7. Happy birthday bloggy! *Chants 2 more years! 2 more years!*

  8. Thanks Chico, lots more to cum (heh) but I can't compete with your frantic pace I'm afraid, maybe I'll have another army done in two years!

  9. Yay! Happy B-day. Thanks for the shout out...but I must say that watching your army grow so steadily is a great inspiration for those of us who move along at a snails pace. Keep up the GREAT work.

    BTW This is any army I hope to meet in person someday and crush under the hobnailed boots of my dwarfs some day...hehehehe

  10. ...yes I like the word "someday" so I used it twice...haha

  11. Thanks Blue someday we may face each on the field of battle. It will be fierce, bloody and underhanded as I cannot abide stunties or their ridiculously cheap warmachines.
    I'm just kidding of course, it would be a great honour to have a game against someone who's work I admire so much.

  12. Happy birthday brother! You've come so far and I'm looking forward to seeing more (especially those eldar pirates)!

  13. Thank you, it will be nice to only have to paint up 20 or so miniatures for an entire army. I can really take my time and try some OSL and lightning effects. Scratch building a stolen grav vehicle will be awesome!

  14. Happy Birthday!
    Great success!

  15. Thanks, I don't know if you're quoting Borat deliberately but...
    Yes, I like very much!

  16. Hey buddy - well done on the two year mark. I feel all guilty now because I should get on and post more stuff up to the blog - that sucker has been lagging a while. I'm really sorry you're all the way over there in the new world - I'd sure love to have a crack at this force!

    Anyway, get on with your 50 unpainted rats - you might actually be the first oldhammerer in the world to actually finish an army!


    1. Wow high praise indeed from my blogging mentor, if it weren't for warhammer for adults I would never have imagined starting my own, so thank you Sir. As for being the first Oldhammerer to finish an army, Mr Goblin Lee paints about 1000 Pts every 24 hours.
      I shall crack on with my army, there may be a slim chance of us meeting someday, I have family in London and I've been on British Rail which is excellent. You just keep those ethereal hosts at home. Dirty bugger

  17. Congrats on your two years, 24_Cigs!! It has been fun watching your wonderful horde grow. I also have found myself admiring your persistance in putting your army together. And great to see them in action!! Look forward to more on your blog...

  18. Thanks man, hasn't always been easy plugging away at the same army and figs over and over but I'm either in with both feet or out, I don't have the discipline to do a micro project or change gears to seething else; I just wouldn't return to the grind.
    Speaking of the grind, I've nearly finished my gutter runners finally, such horrible sculpts but so valuable in game terms. I should have them up tomorrow
